The start of the North Sea Surf Sisters

‘Spontaneously’, that’s the way I like to describe how the surfsisters started. From my travels, I felt so much connection with nature, with other female surfers and with the power of womanhood. In Belgium I missed that feeling - so the evening before International Women’s Day in 2019 I posted a picture on my timeline of my personal Instagram to all the Belgian female surfers that we should come together to surf and meet up the next day to celebrate International Women’s Day!

International Women’s Day 2019

Surfsisters: Elien Roose, dog Sammy, Joke Devreese, Floor Vanden Bussche, Laura Vantorre, Jolien Gobien & Kim Hertogs

15 girls showed up. It was a beautiful session with women from Antwerp, Mechlin, Bruges, Ghent and Ostend! The vibe in the water was so much fun even with the windy conditions! Smiles, cheering and after surf chats! The feelings of that day have led me further to the idea of building community for female surfers! On 10/03/2019 I made the IG-page: North Sea Surf Sisters without any expectations of what would come.

International Women’s Surf Day

Picture by @peterdemaerel

On 8/4/2019 International Women’s Surf Day was the first organized meet-up! 50 surf sisters came together to meet each other and surf together! Roxy (the surfbrand) helped me out with goodie bags, I collaborated with sustainable brands to motivate the sisters a little bit more to join the meet-up! I was impressed that 50 surf sisters came, never in a million years would I have imagined this would happen :D.

During the meet-up, sisters came up to me or afterwards sent me a message to meet again, to talk about surfing and/or to spend time together in the water! We talked about what surfing does to your wellbeing, the uncertainties and difficulties of surfing, the male-dominated line-up, the ego vs. soul surfers, party waves and the big love for the Sea! These talks are endless, during the meet-ups, before or after the surf session there is always time to meet other sisters, to chat about surfing and life.

Picture by Emma-Emilie @wastedswell

The beauty of this community is that it’s a flow thing, - without any expectations, I will see how the North Sea Surf Sisters will bloom and flow.

The most important thing is that…

There is a place for Belgian surfsisters, female immigrants or travelers who surf and like to come together, to talk, to surf & to get to know each other!

In 2019 the mission of the North Sea surf Sisters was “more female surfers in the line-up", so there is equality in the North Sea.” Don’t get me wrong, I like all surfers, men, women, non-binary! Everyone I met during my surfing life taught me a lot (and still does), I don’t want to see a women-ruled line-up but a beautiful balance between all gender:).

I like the vibe with all the surf sisters cheering on another sister surfing a beautiful wave, having fun on a party wave and enjoying a good time in the North Sea.

From 2019 till NOW,

In 2019 until October 2020 each month we had a surf sister meet-up. Every meet-up new people came, other sisters got to know eachother with the help our whatsapp group and planned their own surf meet-ups! I just love seeing how sisters meet each other on a meet-up and find their surfsister/buddy to surf with!

In October 2020 I decided to go to Morocco to teach yoga for 6 months. Every 2 months I came back to organize a meet-up. In March 2021 I came back and then…. COVID & LOCKDOWN! Bringing people together was not allowed and even in March 2020 we weren’t allowed to go surfing. I had to think about the future of the community.

It was a challenging time deciding which direction to go, … no meet-ups, no face-to-face talks,…. but still I found ways to connect during these months. We connect through online yogasessions, meditations, ‘Stay in Surf Shape work-outs’ organized with @elien.van.laere and Annelies Debo from @cocosurfschool and organized even an online International Women’s Surf Day Session with surfsisters entrepreneurs. Thanks for collab for the livesession collab: @nectar.foodstudio @sofieverkouille @woordenwerken @grandmasandtanlines @salty___sugar @watergolf

To build an online community was never the idea, but I have to say I like the idea of tuning in whenever it’s possible. Even on the meet-ups, no one is pushed to be on time ;). It’s all about your surfers attitude!

Finally 19/9/2020, we could meet again! We met in the water and surfed together. To see all those smiling faces, the joy and laughter :D… it is all worth it to try something out without any expectation.

And then… BAM a new lockdown. Again no meet-ups so I had to connect again with my creativity, I have to say I had a hard time from October until March 2020, I didn’t have the energy to teach yoga or meditation. I had to work with my inner self.

The only joy I had was to help out… to let the community grow and to connect women with other women. I had the idea to work with Belgian surf sisters who wanted to join the monthly give-aways! I could help Belgian Surfsisters who have their own company and were going through a hard time during Covid. A give-away is a beautiful way to put a Belgian surfsister out there and sisters who participated can also get a chance to be made happy with a win and as a result, ME = HAPPY! The give-away winner is always picked with New Moon or Full Moon, just so that you know that it’s spring tide!

Thanks for the collabs of last year give-away: @tekstqueen_sofie, @marjan.maeckelbergh, @goseaclub, @thefieldwork, @robinschindelka, @evm_grafix, @lineup_surffitness, @tinyseatales,, @studiosunscreen, @mieke.lannoey,, @seafoam_surf, @sea.lvie & @intoherwaves

During International Women’s Day 2021, we could surf and meet-up again, and I have to say…. the Belgian line-up is getting a lot more balanced, equality is there!!

And then MAY 2021, for me was a very important month! North Sea Surf Sister is my own company with the help of Starterslabo.

From than I am working on a new path:

Female surfers who are confident on the waves with the help of yoga, holistic coaching, individual talks, starting a blog with information you need, workshops, … and… every idea is welcome, every sister is welcome!

In Summer 2021 every Saturday we surfed together, from De Panne till Knokke! So many sisters came to surf en meet up!



Get to know other North Sea Surf Sisters on instagram, on whatsapp or on our meet-ups! Everyone is welcome!

If you have surf-related questions, please share them. I don’t know everything, but we can try to find the best solutions, or we can search for the best person who can help.

If you have ideas for workshops, please feel free to send them my way :D

Lots of love



.Surfing. dangerous sport .Surfboards. dangerous weapons


From travels flowing to a community: NorthSeaSurfSisters